Upcoming Show Information
XXVII FLORENCE INTERNATIONAL ANTIQUES FAIR October 1-9, 2011 at the Palazzo Corsini
July 26th, 2011 by adminThe 27th Florence International Antiques Fair (aka Florence Biennale) will be hosted this year at the enchanting Palazzo Corsini from October 1st– 9th with a layout masterminded by the Maestro Pier Luigi Pizzi. The Biennale, first started by Mario and Giuseppe Bellini in 1959, is the oldest continuous art and antiques fair in Europe and has become the most important Italian art exhibition in the world.
The home to the bi-yearly Florence Biennale since 1997, the Palazzo Corsini in its subdued Baroque style with an 18th-century flair is truly a unique and greatly admired building in Florence and a sight to see in itself. The residence, which was completed only in 1737, is also the proud home of Florence’s most important and historically significant private gallery, boasting a collection, begun in 1765 by Don Lorenzo Corsini, nephew of Pope Clement XII.
The works of art displayed by antiquarians from all over the world–74 Italian and 14 foreign—are the undisputed stars of the show. The vast variety of the over 3,000 pieces presented at the fair range from paintings to plates and antique books to sculptures.
All the works exhibited at the Biennale will be monitored and authenticated by the Scientific Committee. On September 28th, two Committees, the first appointed by the Florence Exports Office, and the second sent by the Ministry for the Cultural Heritage, will examine the works for which the antiquarians request a free circulation certificate, a document which allows Italian works of art to circulate abroad.
Collateral Events:
The Biennale continues to support Corri la Vita, an association, devoted to the study and prevention of breast cancer presided over by the Marchioness Bona Frescobaldi. On October 1st a charity evening will be held and during the dinner Christie’s will auction works of art donated by exhibitors at the Biennale. The proceeds of the auction will be devolved entirely in favour of the Association.
On October 5th prizes will be awarded to the best painting and sculpture at the Fair. The prizes, amounting to 10,000 Euro each, will be destined to the restoration of a work of art from the public cultural heritage.
On October 6th the “Lorenzo d’oro” prize will be awarded to Piero Angela, for his long and successful career as a director of documentaries.
Press Office:
Sveva Fede, tel. +39 336 693 367, tel. e fax +39 0575 370 368, sveva.fede@libero.it
Press Office for Tuscany:
Anna Pampaloni, tel. +39 055 69 63 65, +39 347 56 20 327, a.pampa@katamail.com
Foreign Press Offices:
Great Britain: Cawdell Douglas, 10-11 Lower John Street, W1R 3PE London (GB), tel. +44 207 439 28 22, fax +44 207 287 54 88, e-mail: press@cawdelldouglas.co.uk
U.S.A.: Jonathan Marder + Company, 24 Fifth Avenue, suite 1530, N.Y. 10011 New York (U.S.A.), tel. +1 646 638 24 79 fax + 1 646 638 25 29, e-mail: m.dattatreya@gsmltd.net
France: Colonnes, Claire Galimard, 16 rue des Saints-Pères, 75007 Paris (France), tel. +33 1 426 070 10, fax +33 1 426 070 07, e-mail: contact@colonnes.com
Expo Arte e Cultura S.r.l. – Via del Parione 11 – 50123 Firenze – tel. +39 055 282 283 – +39 055 282 635 – Fax +39 055 214 831 – www.biennaleantiquariato.it – info@biennaleantiquariato.it
Short history of the Florence International Antiques Fair
• The Mostra Internazionale dell’Antiquariato was launched in 1959 in the prestigious premises of Palazzo Strozzi. The Fair was the brainchild of Luigi Bellini Sr., designed to attract to Florence the very best in the international antiques world, and it made its name by offering the choicest selection in the collecting and antiques sector. The overwhelming success of the first Fair, and of those which followed, marked the start of a market season increasingly oriented towards the Antiques Fairs. The originality of the idea, accompanied by an astute selection of the antiquarians, transformed the Fair into a cultural and fashionable event that could not be missed, to the extent that the Florentine Fair was visited both by the members of the international jet set and by a crowd avid for curiosities, knowledge and marvels. The international triumph was triggered by the fact that it was held in Florence and was also accompanied for the entire duration by a series of highly attractive cultural and society events.
- Problems in the utilisation of Palazzo Strozzi, where adaptation work was being carried out, meant that in 1977 the antiquarians had to move to Palazzo Giuntini (now the Grand Hotel), after which they returned to the original site up to 1993. In 1987, Guido Bartolozzi took over from the Bellini brothers as the General Secretary.
- When Palazzo Strozzi became definitively unavailable in 1995 the Fair had to be moved to the Palazzo degli Affari, a fine building designed by Spadolini, but entirely unsuitable for an antiquarian fair of the level of the Florentine Biennale. For the following editions of the Fair, the choice fell on Palazzo Corsini sull’Arno, the current premises of the event, where it has been held since 1997.
• In 2001 the Management Committee appointed Giovanni Pratesi, Chairman of the Italian Antiquarians Association, as General Secretary of the Florentine Biennale. This appointment represented a crucial turning-point for the Fair and it was in fact in 2001, with an absolutely innovative design and the inclusion of numerous novelties in the general programme, that the Biennale set off on the path that has led to its being considered today as one of the three most important antiques events in the world.
• To place the Biennale at the level of the most prestigious international Fairs it was decided to promote strict controls on the works displayed, modify the image of the Fair by entrusting the orchestration to the Maestro Pier Luigi Pizzi, who performed an authentic masterpiece of restyling, introducing a new pavilion in the entrance courtyard of the Palazzo, boost promotion by setting up specialised Press Offices in the major cities of the world (Wiesbaden, London, Paris, New York); extend to the Italian exhibitors the same rights as their foreign counterparts, offering them advance examination of the works on display so as to provide them with export licences before the start of the Fair.
Maria Maddalena Machiavelli, wife of Marchese Filippo Corsini, purchased the Palace from the Grand Duke Ferdinando II in 1649. Her son, Bartolomeo, began remodelling and redecorating the Palace in 1650. Initially the work was done by Alfonso Parigi the Younger, and then by Ferdinando Tacca, who continued with the project until 1671. Actual construction work on the Palace as it stands today was commissioned by Filippo Corsini junior, in 1685, after the death of his father Bartolomeo. Construction was directed by Antonio Ferri, a versatile exponent of the late Baroque Florentine culture. He was a set designer and engineer, who built machines and fortifications and than poured his extraordinary elegance and creative skill into Palazzo Corsini, making it one of Florence most unusually luxurious palaces.
The decorations, executed between 1692 and 1700, are among the finest examples of Florentine painting. Among the artists the Corsini family commissioned to decorate the located, we must mention the outstanding maters Anton Domenico Gabbiani, Alessandro Gherardini and Pier Dandini.
Palazzo Corsini, located on the banks of the Arno river, is in the heart of Florence, just a short walk from the Ponte Vecchio and the Duomo and near the smart Via Tornabuoni.
The Salon and the Aurora Gallery
When the Salon in the Palazzo Corsini was inaugurated in the late seventeenth century, Antonio Ferri’s designs (1694‑1696) must have aroused widespread amazement. Entering the room from the grand staircase, which forces a corner view, is an enormous source of wonder. The visitor sees an extraordinary room flooded with light reflected from the walls with their columns, bases and rippling cornice. The ceiling in the Salon is decorated with a glorification of the Corsini family, and it supports two gigantic painted wooden chandeliers that were carved by Antonio Francesco Gonelli between 1698 and 1700. The doors of the Salon open onto the adjacent decorated rooms.
Size and prestigious location make this splendid salon one of the most sought after reception rooms in the heart of Florence.
The impressive main staircase leads to the Aurora Gallery which is part of the main building: its large, arched windows look onto the courtyard and offer a splendid view of hills on the opposite side of the Arno river.
This luminous and completely frescoed gallery was decorated by Bartolomeo Neri and Alessandro Rosi, and with the other luxurious rooms of Palazzo Corsini, will house, from the 30th September to the 9th October, the 24th edition of the International Antique Fair.
The Ballroom
The Ballroom, that overlooks an internal courtyard, is reached via the middle door (on the left) of the Salon. The large crystal chandelier and the gilded eighteenth century wall sconces complete the decorations.
The fresco, painted by Alessandro Gherardini between 1695 and 1696 is set in a plasterwork frame enhanced with flowers and two scrolls. In the middle of the composition in Aurora’s chariot drawn by Pegasus. The goddess of dawn, sister of Helios, the sun god, is surrounded by three maidens, the Hours, one of whom is holding a floral crown, while a Putto holding a torch, symbol of the goddess, precedes the chariot. On one edge of the fresco, Gherardini painted the Kingdom of Flora, with Zephyr, the young god with butterfly wings and some nymphs accompanying the goddess. On the opposite side is the Triumph of Galatea: the sea nymph is on a shell drawn by dolphins, and Polyphemus with his heard is in front of her, playing a love song on his pipe. The care the artist dedicated to the fresco is the further enhanced by the decorative elements he added: four vases in the corners of the arch; those near the Kingdom of Flora are decorated with garlands of flowers, the other two with sea creature and fish. It can be easily said that this fresco is the finest decorative work in the entire Palace.
During the Antiques Fair, the padded and lined with precious silk seats will be removed to protect their integrity.
Marburger Farm Antique Show in Round Top, Texas Sept. 27- Oct. 1
July 13th, 2011 by adminYes, Scott, there are Second Acts in America
7/12/11 –Round Top, TX – The writer F. Scott Fitzgerald once quipped that “there are no second acts” in America, but the Marburger Farm Antique Show in Round Top, Texas knows better. When the blockbuster show opens this September 27- October 1 for its 15th fall edition, the keywords are: re-purposing, resilience and continuous renewal. Many of the nearly 400 exhibitors from 38 states and nations will arrive at this re-invented cow pasture with second acts in full bloom, plus plenty of antiques ready to start new acts in new homes.
Nance Harper of Atlanta trained as a chemist and ran a transportation company. On a business trip she found herself buying antiques in France and a new career called. “You have to have passion for what you are doing,” says Harper. “That’s what I like about the Marburger Farm Show— the customers have just as much passion about antiques as the dealers do. Clients at Marburger like truly old pieces. They are interested in the history of an antique and they want it in its true original condition—not gussied up.”
What will Harper bring this fall? “I save the one-of-a kind pieces for Marburger,” she reports. This will include French architectural fragments from the exterior or interior of old buildings. “I’ll have three 18th c. architectural fragments long enough to go over doors or to be re-invented as a console base, in original blue paint, bluer than the sky, close to Robin Egg’s blue, but deeper.” Also in tow will be an 18th c. carved wood wall bracket, long and wide, with the most beautiful two angels faces that I’ve ever seen. You just want to gaze at it. It’s spellbinding.” Sounds like the chemist found her passion.
Many dealers at Marburger Farm were educators and lovers of history, such as retired teacher Linda Wilder of A Wilder Place in Time. She can teach you about English ironstone china coming over as ballast in ships and being packed deep in covered wagons moving west.
Or, after viewing Marburger Farm’s herd of Longhorns, you can learn more about cattle from Darvin King of Georgia’s Antiques from Abilene, Texas. When not loading step-back cupboards, King loads his cattle for top Cutting Horse events. The dealer next to him is upstate New York cowboy Patrick Kenny of South Porch Antiques and chief beef cattle judge for the New York State Fair. Step just across the aisle and retired pastor Jan Orr-Harter won’t have any cows, but she will offer a 1970s Milo Baughman cocktail table in burled wood and stainless steel.
From the Chicago area, Mitch and Marcia Weisz of Ameritiques arrive at each twice-yearly Marburger Farm show with a different mix of eclectic finds from the upper Mid-West. “We’re opportunists,” says Mitch, whose first act in life was as an attorney. “We bring the best we can find, whatever it is.” This time they stumbled across a community that amassed religious artifacts and equipment to found churches from about 1920-1960. “There’s chalices and statues and enough embroidered vestments to outfit 40 priests,” says Mitch. His wife Marcia, a former CPA, will bring Halloween and Thanksgiving postcards c. 1900, plus so much costume jewelry that they are thinking of selling it by the pound. “We find that everything we bring that can be re-purposed into something else always sells well in Texas,” reports Mitch. Law and finance may have been more lucrative, he goes on, “but antiques are more fun. And Marburger Farm is the most fun show out there. In the entire country, there is nothing comparable to Marburger Farm.”
Marburger Show co-owner Rick McConn traded in a career trading energy commodities for hosting the tens of thousands of shoppers who visit Marburger Farm’s ten enormous tents and 12 restored historic buildings, all overflowing with antiques of every style, era and price-range. Along with Co-owner Ashley Ferguson, whose first act was interior design, McConn works to continuously enhance the mega show. This fall improvements include a new mobile web site for smart phones and a new show blog, both accessed from www.roundtop-marburger.com—plus Marburger’s pending appearance on a reality TV show. Even more treats include air-conditioned restrooms, free wifi, three food pavilions and the Blacksmith Bar with wine, cold beer and “Marburitas.”
For the second year, a portion of the fall show ticket sales will benefit the Houston Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure. “No one knows more about rebuilding lives than the Susan G. Komen organization,” says Ashley Ferguson. “We are thrilled to lend our support and welcome them to the show.” Look for the Race for the Cure sign-up tent at the show.
Among other special events this fall will be a book-signing by Leslie Sinclair of her new book, Segreto – The Secret to Beautiful Finishes, with 300 pages of photographs of homes whose wall finishes have been re-imagined to complement antiques, art and a love of texture and patina. Leaving a corporate career in communications 16 years ago, Sinclair founded Segreto Finishes in Houston, now the largest plastering company in the region. Many homes in the book feature antiques found at the Marburger Farm Antique Show. “Marburger has such diverse range,” says Sinclair. “You can shop all over the world—or you can shop at Marburger Farm.”
Of course, the dealers of Marburger Farm do shop all over the world. Suzanne Fox of Santa Monica, CA will fill her booth in Marburger’s Silver Dollar Saloon with English antiques and art for homes and gardens. Shoppers will not only take home her transfer-ware, Staffordshire, sterling and garden urns, they will also take inspiration from her display. For 25 years, and still part-time, her first act as a retail store designer led her to tackle some of the biggest luxury shopping venues in Southern California. Look for the Silver Dollar to shine! “I bring my best to Marburger, I pack it in and I design it differently each time,” says Fox. “I’m delighted by Marburger Farm because of loyal customers and because so many new customers in their 20s and 30s are shopping there—families, kids, all ages. The Marburger Farm Antique Show is for everyone.”
So first act, second or third, get yourself to Marburger Farm. Take that, F. Scott Fitzgerald!
The Marburger Farm Antique Show opens Tuesday September 27 for Early Buying from 10 am until 2 pm for $25 admission. Regular $10 admission begins at 2 pm until 5 pm that day. Your admission is good all week and parking is free. Shopping continues on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 9 am until 5 pm and on Saturday, October 1, from 9 am until 4 pm. For maps, photos and information on tickets, groups, the Marburger Café, on-site shipping and special events, see www.roundtop-marburger.com
Seeking Passionate Pickers for The Untitled Antiques-Collectibles Competition
February 14th, 2011 by adminFill out our online application at:
or email us at:
From out of the vault, fine jewelers’ private collection arrives at Morphy’s for Feb. 26 no-reserve specialty auction
February 9th, 2011 by adminDENVER, Pa. – A top-tier private collection of gold, platinum and precious-gem jewelry amassed over several decades will be featured in a single-session, no-reserve specialty auction at Morphy’s gallery on Feb. 26, 2011. The collection – whose consignors previously owned fine jewelry stores in Florida – consists primarily of superior-quality estate jewelry selected “with a sophisticated eye over a number of years,” said Dr. John Morphy, director of Acquisitions & Appraisals for Morphy’s. “This is not retail stock; this was the consignors’ own collection, which they kept in a safe. Approximately half of it is vintage, and there are some truly spectacular pieces.” Around 80% of the collection is gold, 5% platinum and 5% sterling, Morphy said.

14K white gold Art Deco diamond ring with 3.04-carat center diamond in champagne or pale yellow color, and 1.02 carats of surrounding diamonds. Estimate $15,000-$25,000. Morphy Auctions image.
Literally hundreds of diamond rings and bracelets will be offered, with many of the rings featuring large solitaires of outstanding clarity and quality. “I would say anyone who is thinking about marriage would be wise to view this collection, which includes around 30 engagement rings. They’ll be able to choose from what is essentially a jeweler’s private reserve, at prices likely to be far more competitive than those at a jewelry store,” Morphy said.
One of the top rings in the sale is a 14K white gold Art Deco design with a 3.04-carat center diamond surrounded by an additional array of diamonds weighing 1.02 carats. Because the main diamond is an unusual champagne or pale yellow color, the attendant diamonds make it “pop,” Morphy said. “It has huge eye appeal.” The ring is accompanied by its original jeweler’s papers and is estimated at $15,000-$25,000.

14K white gold ring with 4.37-carat deep blue oval sapphire and diamonds weighing 0.36 carats. Estimate $4,000-$8,000. Morphy Auctions image.
Sapphires and diamonds have always been an especially compatible jewelry duo. The collection includes a 14K white gold ring boasting a 4.37-carat deep-blue oval sapphire with 0.36 carats of diamonds, estimate $4,000-$8,000; and an elegant 14K white gold link bracelet channel-set with 14.62 carats of sapphires and 5.28 carats of diamonds, estimate $8,000-$15,000.
The names Tiffany & Co., and David Yurman add quiet prestige to the sale roster, both in gold and silver interpretations. A Tiffany 14K gold bracelet of wide, alternating fluted and smooth links is dated 1946 and estimated at $2,000-$3,000.

Rolex stainless steel and 18K gold gentleman’s wristwatch, mechanical, Model No. 116233, with original box and papers. Estimate $5,000-$8,000. Morphy Auctions image.
The premier timepiece brand Rolex will be available both to men and women in the assortment of six wristwatches to be auctioned. “Some of the Rolexes are vintage, possibly from the 1960s or ’70s,” said Morphy. “We are in the process of obtaining additional information about them from Rolex.” An example from the grouping is a gentleman’s stainless steel and 18K gold mechanical Model No. 116233 with original Rolex box and paperwork. Estimate: $5,000-$8,000.
Ten exceptional pieces from an additional consignor will be included in the sale, as well. The consignment includes an exquisite double-strand Victorian 14K gold “slide” bracelet with approximately 20 hand-crafted and jeweled components, some incorporating movable characters, e.g., snake, little girl, etc. Also, the mini-collection includes a 14K gold mesh purse with original gold strap and double-sapphire clasp, total gold weight: 59.9 dwt (pennyweight). Both items date to around the turn of the 20th century and carry individual estimates of $2,000-$3,000.

Turn of the 20th century 14K gold mesh purse with original gold strap and double-sapphire clasp, total gold weight: 59.9 dwt. Estimate $2,000-$3,000. Morphy Auctions image.
The 400-lot sale also includes early 20th-century enameled-gold jewelry and a nice selection of gold charms, many of them mechanical. “These sorts of charms are quite desirable,” said Morphy. “For example, there’s a movable golfer, a typewriter, and an old woman in the shoe that opens to reveal the children inside.”
Morphy Auctions CEO Dan Morphy described the jewelry to be auctioned as “a highly select collection that we’re very proud to have been chosen to present at auction.” All items will be sold to the highest bidder, regardless of price.
All forms of bidding will be available for the Feb. 26 Fine Jewelry auction, including live in the gallery, absentee, by phone, or live via the Internet as the sale is taking place through Morphy Live or LiveAuctioneers.com. The entire auction inventory is presently available to preview at Morphy’s gallery.
For additional information, call 717-335-3435 or e-mail dan@morphyauctions.com. Visit Morphy’s online at www.morphyauctions.com.
Happy Birthday To Us!
February 3rd, 2011 by adminAntiques.com turned a year on Feb 1st 2011! Thanks to all of our vendors for helping us to build our site into one of the best antiques sites on the web! We’ve had more than 15oo dealers join in the fun so far, and we’re always looking for more. We’re excited to offer over 80,000 items for sale on Antiques.com, but that number increases every day as more and more vendors sign up to be a part of our growing family.
To all of the people that visit Antiques.com looking for the perfect gift, trying to spruce up their home with a beautiful antique, or simply out of curiosity, thank you for coming!
And for everyone, vendors and antique aficionados alike, we’ve recently added a few features to our home page that we think you’ll enjoy!
– First, check out the Deal Of The Day – Each day we’ll offer a new deal from a vendor that is eager to give you a beautiful antique for a steal!
– Next, feast your eyes on the Cool Antique Of The Week – Each week we’ll show you something interesting from the site that is available to be purchased and fawned over by it’s new owner!
– And finally, have some fun with What Is This Antique? – Each week we’ll choose a new and interesting, if not a bit obscure, antique to feature for this game. Take a guess, or several guesses, at what you think it is, and then each Monday we’ll publish the list of guesses submitted by everyone, along with the actual name and description of the antique.
Antiques.com strives to offer a wide variety of beautiful and interesting antiques, collectibles, and fine art pieces. We’re looking forward to another stellar year where we add to our already impressive list of vendors and push our inventory to over 100,000 items! So Happy Birthday To Us! We’re looking forward to another fantastic year!
The Eleventh Annual Sewickley Antiques Show – October 15-17, 2010
October 14th, 2010 by adminThe Eleventh Annual Sewickley Antiques Show will be held on October 15th, 16th, and 17th, 2010 at the Edgeworth Club in Sewickley, Pennsylvania. This show is regarded as one of the premier antique shows in Southwestern PA with twenty-seven exhibitors from eight states.
Kicking off the Antique Show is the Preview Party held on Friday evening, October 15th. The Preview Party runs from 6:30pm to 9pm with an after party following from 9pm to 11pm. The cost for this exclusive event that includes a weekend show pass, entertainment, a drink voucher, and hours d’oeuvres is $65.00 per person.
The Show will run from Saturday October 16th, 10:00am to 5:00 pm., and Sunday October 17th, 11:00am to 4:00pm EST. The cost for the show pass is $10.00, valid all weekend. Proceeds benefit Child Health Association of Sewickley.
For more information, send us an email or call Jack Squires at 724-992-1290. Click here for directions to the Edgeworth Club in Sewickley.
Susan’s Antiques
New Cumberland, WV
J and M Antiques
East Amherst, NY
Sweets Antiques
Gowanda, NY
Candlewood Antiques
Ardara, PA
Timeless Treasures
Pittsburgh, PA
Paul Fisher Antiques
Indianapolis, IN
Jack Squires Antiques
Grove City, PA 16127
Peter Chillingworth
Scenery Hill, PA
Spencer Antiques
Granville, OH
Frank and Mary Ann Brandt
Chagrin Falls, Ohio
Jane Langol Antiques
Medina, Ohio
Bedford on the Square Antiques
Pittsburgh, PA 15206
Malcolm McFarland
Chagrin Falls, Ohio
John Kroeck
Leetsdale, PA
Brill’s Antiques
Newport News, VA
VanWhy’s Antiques
Zelienople, PA
East End Galleries
Pittsburgh, PA
Fern Larking Kao
Bowling Green, OH
Kevin T. Ransom Bookseller
Amherst, NY
Martines Antiques
Chagrin Falls, Ohio
Johanna Antiques
Kingsville, MD
Sandra Rutan
Warren, Ohio
White & White
Skaneateles, NY
Moir Galleries
Chagrin Falls, OH
Whimsy Antiques
Harmony, PA
Steve Levine Antiques
Alexandria, VA
Joseph Hayes Antiques
Columbus, OH
San Francisco 20th Century Modernism Show & Sale
September 14th, 2010 by adminMarburger Farm Antique Show in Round Top, Texas Sept. 28- Oct. 2
June 30th, 2010 by adminExtreme Sport or Down-Home Fun?
6/30/10 –Round Top, TX – At the Marburger Farm Antique Show in Round Top, there’s more than one way to bag the bounty on Sept. 28- Oct 2.
Some shoppers will take off with tape measures, paint colors, designers and lists. Blankets for packing fill their SUVs. Roll’en Hills Moving & Delivery is on their speed dial and lunch is a low priority. Or at least it will be a late lunch, with a Marburger margarita or an iced coffee, re-charging for another assault.
Other shoppers will stroll in, two and three generations together, on vacation, a re-union, a tradition of being together in a beautiful setting surrounded by the top antiques anywhere. Lunch will be lingering over lemonade or a cold beer. The new herd of longhorns at Marburger Farm will delight them. The good prices will surprise them. They too will take home all that will fit. And Roll’en Hills will deliver the rest.
Whether attacking the ten tents and twelve buildings as an extreme sport, or whether venturing in for inspiration and fun, shoppers know that the best antiques, at the best price, in the best displays can be found at Marburger Farm. With nearly 400 exhibitors from 38 states and countries, there will be plenty of inventory and inspiration to go around.
And this fall there will be more time to find it. On Tuesday, September 28, Marburger Farm will stay open until 7 pm for extended antiques shopping and as a benefit for the Houston Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure. “We are delighted,” says Marburger co-owner Rick McConn, “to partner with this extraordinary organization for the first time.”
Also on Tuesday September 28, designer Carolyn Westbrook will sign copies of her new book, The French Inspired Home, (CiCo Press), as well as share tips on “How to Shop French at Marburger Farm.” Photographed by Keith Scott Morton, the pages of The French Inspired Home sparkle with Westbrook’s finds at Marburger Farm over the years.
“Glorious displays and diverse styles of French,” says Westbrook, “can be found at the Marburger Farm Antique Show—- from French Country to the more opulent, sophisticated French, which I love to mix together. My romance with French is fulfilled as I peruse the aisles of Marburger Farm for fabulous finds and great inspiration.
Whether shopping with a list or for leisure, shoppers anticipate new inspiration at Marburger Farm. What inspires a Marburger exhibitor?
“Repurposing inspires me,” says Destin, FL dealer Ann Miller Hopkins of Antiques on Holiday. “When we make something out of something else, it’s even more interesting— nothing run-of-the-mill.” Hopkins will alight with one-of-a-kind European antiques, many re-purposed for the American market such as aviaries made into chandeliers, drums made into coffee tables and garden artifacts for use in the home year-round.
“I’m bringing fantastic mirrors, painted back drops from an old theater, a pair of six-foot tufted leather ottomans from Holland and a large farm table that came from the kitchen of a 19th c. mountain spa in Belgium, with a wonderful wood patina. I’ll mix in a little industrial, like movie spot lights, with the fine antiques. What inspires me is layering different kinds of antiques in a room, layering pieces from different generations. It gives a more subtle and rich look, but it’s not prissy or pretentious.”
Part of the extreme sport of shopping Marburger Farm is the ability to buy the best pieces in the shortest amount of time—and make look like it has been gathered over multiple generations. And for more leisurely shoppers, it’s frequently the experience of buying an antique that will indeed be handed down to another generation, perhaps to the baby in a stroller at Marburger Farm.
Willoughby, Ohio exhibitor Marilyn Angel finds inspiration in the re-discovery of antiques by a new generation. “Lots of antiques that were overlooked are suddenly moving fast—like quilts and homey, sweet pieces, pieces with a story.” For the fall Marburger Farm show, Angel will offer a collection of gold-filled Victorian jewelry—bangles engraved with romantic names and designs, plus Victorian coral and Persian turquoise. “The younger buyers in Texas are not afraid to spend money on good pieces—and they are not shy about wearing them or using them.” Angel will also offer sterling, 1930s cut glass and pottery, such as hard-to-find McCoy umbrella stands. “The young people use them to display huge floral arrangements. I can hardly wait for Marburger Farm. I’m out every day buying for it.”
Dealer David Zabriskie of Lake Placid, NY finds inspiration in the splendid buying available in the current economy. “With a down-turn comes opportunity,” he says. “It’s a good time to buy for everybody. Prices are good. Quality antiques are on the market. I’m buying everything I can. I’ll bring a huge load to Marburger Farm. I’ll negotiate, I’ll sell fairly and I’ll go home with a very small load. That’s why I’m coming to Texas—Texans like everything.”
And everything at Marburger Farm includes inspiration by French, Swedish, Industrial, English, Asian, American or more. It includes art, jewelry, lighting, mid-century modern, folk art, silver, primitives, ceramics, advertising and more. Come to look, to buy, to be inspired and to enjoy a few days antiquing in Texas, whether out for plunder or out for pleasure—or both!
The Marburger Farm Antique Show opens Tuesday September 28 for Early Buying from 10 am until 2 pm for $25 admission. Regular $10 admission begins at 2 pm until 7 pm that day, with extended evening hours to benefit the Houston Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure. Parking is free and your admission is good all week. Shopping continues on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 9 am until 5 pm and on Saturday, October 2, from 9 am until 4 pm. For maps, photos and information on tickets, groups, the Marburger Café, special events (and the Roll’en Hills Moving & Delivery number for your speed dial), see roundtop-marburger.com.