In The News
Sotheby’s Summer Sale Season Results
July 14th, 2011 by adminLONDON, WEDNESDAY 22 JUNE, 2011 – Sotheby’s Impressionist & Modern Evening Sale was led by Egon Schiele’s 1914 cityscape Häuser mit bunter Wäsche (Vorstadt II), which sold for £24,681,250 / $40,099,627 / €27,635,665 (est. £22-30 million / $35.4 – 48.5 million), almost double the previous record for the artist at auction. Achieving the highest price of the week, the monumental work – sold by the Leopold Museum in Vienna – was bought by an anonymous telephone bidder. Overall the sale achieved a strong total of £96,968,000 / $157,543,910 / €108,575,344, well within the pre-sale estimate of £77 -111 million. The sale saw an average lot value for the works sold of £3.03 million, and the sale was 91.4% sold by lot and 98.4% sold by value.
Leslie Hindman – Fine Furniture and Decorative Arts
July 14th, 2011 by adminMarburger Farm Antique Show in Round Top, Texas Sept. 27- Oct. 1
July 13th, 2011 by adminYes, Scott, there are Second Acts in America
7/12/11 –Round Top, TX – The writer F. Scott Fitzgerald once quipped that “there are no second acts” in America, but the Marburger Farm Antique Show in Round Top, Texas knows better. When the blockbuster show opens this September 27- October 1 for its 15th fall edition, the keywords are: re-purposing, resilience and continuous renewal. Many of the nearly 400 exhibitors from 38 states and nations will arrive at this re-invented cow pasture with second acts in full bloom, plus plenty of antiques ready to start new acts in new homes.
Nance Harper of Atlanta trained as a chemist and ran a transportation company. On a business trip she found herself buying antiques in France and a new career called. “You have to have passion for what you are doing,” says Harper. “That’s what I like about the Marburger Farm Show— the customers have just as much passion about antiques as the dealers do. Clients at Marburger like truly old pieces. They are interested in the history of an antique and they want it in its true original condition—not gussied up.”
What will Harper bring this fall? “I save the one-of-a kind pieces for Marburger,” she reports. This will include French architectural fragments from the exterior or interior of old buildings. “I’ll have three 18th c. architectural fragments long enough to go over doors or to be re-invented as a console base, in original blue paint, bluer than the sky, close to Robin Egg’s blue, but deeper.” Also in tow will be an 18th c. carved wood wall bracket, long and wide, with the most beautiful two angels faces that I’ve ever seen. You just want to gaze at it. It’s spellbinding.” Sounds like the chemist found her passion.
Many dealers at Marburger Farm were educators and lovers of history, such as retired teacher Linda Wilder of A Wilder Place in Time. She can teach you about English ironstone china coming over as ballast in ships and being packed deep in covered wagons moving west.
Or, after viewing Marburger Farm’s herd of Longhorns, you can learn more about cattle from Darvin King of Georgia’s Antiques from Abilene, Texas. When not loading step-back cupboards, King loads his cattle for top Cutting Horse events. The dealer next to him is upstate New York cowboy Patrick Kenny of South Porch Antiques and chief beef cattle judge for the New York State Fair. Step just across the aisle and retired pastor Jan Orr-Harter won’t have any cows, but she will offer a 1970s Milo Baughman cocktail table in burled wood and stainless steel.
From the Chicago area, Mitch and Marcia Weisz of Ameritiques arrive at each twice-yearly Marburger Farm show with a different mix of eclectic finds from the upper Mid-West. “We’re opportunists,” says Mitch, whose first act in life was as an attorney. “We bring the best we can find, whatever it is.” This time they stumbled across a community that amassed religious artifacts and equipment to found churches from about 1920-1960. “There’s chalices and statues and enough embroidered vestments to outfit 40 priests,” says Mitch. His wife Marcia, a former CPA, will bring Halloween and Thanksgiving postcards c. 1900, plus so much costume jewelry that they are thinking of selling it by the pound. “We find that everything we bring that can be re-purposed into something else always sells well in Texas,” reports Mitch. Law and finance may have been more lucrative, he goes on, “but antiques are more fun. And Marburger Farm is the most fun show out there. In the entire country, there is nothing comparable to Marburger Farm.”
Marburger Show co-owner Rick McConn traded in a career trading energy commodities for hosting the tens of thousands of shoppers who visit Marburger Farm’s ten enormous tents and 12 restored historic buildings, all overflowing with antiques of every style, era and price-range. Along with Co-owner Ashley Ferguson, whose first act was interior design, McConn works to continuously enhance the mega show. This fall improvements include a new mobile web site for smart phones and a new show blog, both accessed from—plus Marburger’s pending appearance on a reality TV show. Even more treats include air-conditioned restrooms, free wifi, three food pavilions and the Blacksmith Bar with wine, cold beer and “Marburitas.”
For the second year, a portion of the fall show ticket sales will benefit the Houston Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure. “No one knows more about rebuilding lives than the Susan G. Komen organization,” says Ashley Ferguson. “We are thrilled to lend our support and welcome them to the show.” Look for the Race for the Cure sign-up tent at the show.
Among other special events this fall will be a book-signing by Leslie Sinclair of her new book, Segreto – The Secret to Beautiful Finishes, with 300 pages of photographs of homes whose wall finishes have been re-imagined to complement antiques, art and a love of texture and patina. Leaving a corporate career in communications 16 years ago, Sinclair founded Segreto Finishes in Houston, now the largest plastering company in the region. Many homes in the book feature antiques found at the Marburger Farm Antique Show. “Marburger has such diverse range,” says Sinclair. “You can shop all over the world—or you can shop at Marburger Farm.”
Of course, the dealers of Marburger Farm do shop all over the world. Suzanne Fox of Santa Monica, CA will fill her booth in Marburger’s Silver Dollar Saloon with English antiques and art for homes and gardens. Shoppers will not only take home her transfer-ware, Staffordshire, sterling and garden urns, they will also take inspiration from her display. For 25 years, and still part-time, her first act as a retail store designer led her to tackle some of the biggest luxury shopping venues in Southern California. Look for the Silver Dollar to shine! “I bring my best to Marburger, I pack it in and I design it differently each time,” says Fox. “I’m delighted by Marburger Farm because of loyal customers and because so many new customers in their 20s and 30s are shopping there—families, kids, all ages. The Marburger Farm Antique Show is for everyone.”
So first act, second or third, get yourself to Marburger Farm. Take that, F. Scott Fitzgerald!
The Marburger Farm Antique Show opens Tuesday September 27 for Early Buying from 10 am until 2 pm for $25 admission. Regular $10 admission begins at 2 pm until 5 pm that day. Your admission is good all week and parking is free. Shopping continues on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 9 am until 5 pm and on Saturday, October 1, from 9 am until 4 pm. For maps, photos and information on tickets, groups, the Marburger Café, on-site shipping and special events, see
Stephenson’s announces July 15 Mid-Summer Auction featuring antique toys, dolls, trains & banks
July 11th, 2011 by adminSOUTHAMPTON, Pa. – Pennsylvania is known as a hotbed for antique and vintage toys, especially the triangle between Philadelphia, Lancaster and Philadelphia. That just happens to be a turf well known to the specialists at Stephenson’s Auctioneers in Southampton. Their toy auctions – with consignments from longtime private collectors and area estates – can be counted on for variety, quality and, almost always, a surprise or two.
On July 15, Stephenson’s will present its 2011 Mid-Summer Dolls, Toys & Trains Auction, featuring approximately 300 lots of carefully chosen antique and vintage playthings. All forms of bidding will be available, including live via the Internet through
The auction will begin at 2 p.m. Eastern time with a selection of 50 American and European dolls. Some of the dolls are of early manufacture, including wax examples and German bisque-head dolls by C.M. Bergmann and Simon & Halbig. Two sought-after Martha Chase painted cloth dolls – one measuring 30 inches tall; the other, 24 inches – will be offered, as well. The antique doll grouping is nicely complemented by an array of composition and hard plastic dolls, 1950s Toni dolls and several Barbies. Tea will be served from a period spongeware doll-size tea set.
Stephenson’s owner, Cindy Stephenson, said she believe collectors will be drawn to the two beautifully crafted room boxes entered in the sale. One of them replicates a general store of the early 20th century, 2½ feet high by 2 feet wide, and was probably constructed in the 1970s or ’80s. The store illuminates and is stocked with miniature store goods of all types and is occupied by two men playing a game of checkers, and a pet dog. The second room box, also illuminated, measures 15 inches high by 2 feet wide and depicts an early 20th-century kitchen. Generously accessorized, its furnishings include a table and chairs, hutch with china, a cast-iron stove, clothes tree and many miniature culinary accoutrements.
The colorful parade of toys will be led by tin wind-ups and mechanical toys in excellent condition. Ever-popular Chein toys include several with a carnival theme, including a Ferris wheel, two roller coasters, and an Aero Swing; plus an Aquaplane and Marching Drummer. Other tin toys of note include a number of desirable Louis Marx productions, topped by a Moon Mullins and Kayo Hand Car (in pristine condition with track and original box), Cabin Cruisers, a Cowboy Whoopee Car, and a classic Police Motorcycle.
Always “strong to the finish,” a circa-1940 Popeye the Pilot clockwork airplane
features bright primary colors and has the primitive look that is so appealing to collectors of Popeye and character toys in general. Another cartoon favorite, Fred Flintstone, is represented by a wind-up Fred on Dino and a friction-powered Flintstone Flivver.
Robot collectors will have their chance to score one of the sale’s quiet gems – a Japanese Mechanical Walking “Robot with Spark” by S.Y. The figure’s silver body is trimmed in orange and blue, a quintessential motif in boomer-era space toys.
Other toy highlights include a Weeden steam engine, a large selection of battery-operated toys in their original boxes, and two tinplate penny toys: a Prussian soldier on a buckboard drawn by two horses, and a Toonerville Trolley.

An extensive selection of train sets, loco/tenders and train cars – many with their original boxes – will be offered. Stephenson’s Auction image.
Train aficionados will be spoiled for choice on auction day. Numerous train sets, loco/tenders and train cars will be offered, some accompanied by their original boxes. Among the brands on offer are Lionel, American Flyer, Ahern, Bachmann, Penn Line, Tyco, Varney and several others.
Next up will be a selection of toy soldiers and German miniature alloy-metal platform animals and people; followed by a lineup of 20 to 30 antique and vintage still banks. Most are of cast iron, with highlights being a Flatiron Building, a four-tower domed building, a pirate on treasure chest, and an Arabian safe bank with key, one of several banks shaped as safes.
Instantly identifiable to collectors, a Bear and Beehive copper-finish cast-iron still bank is ornately decorated in Black Forest style. It depicts a standing bear reaching for a beehive inside a shingled cottage, with the word “BANK” arched over the door.

Among the 20-30 still banks to be auctioned are a Bear with Beehive and Flatiron Building. Stephenson’s Auction image.
The auction will conclude with three spring-neck duck candy containers of German manufacture. Constructed of papier mache with glitter and fur trim, the early Easter novelties are in excellent condition.
“We look forward to greeting toy collectors to our sale,” said Cindy Stephenson. “It will be an enjoyable way to spend a few hours on a Friday afternoon, and we’re confident that collectors will be pleased with this selection.”
The preview will take place from 12 noon till 2 p.m. on Friday, July 15, immediately prior to the start of the auction. For additional information on any lot in the sale, call Cindy Stephenson at 215-322-6182 or e-mail
All forms of bidding will be available, including live in the gallery, absentee, by phone or live via the Internet through View the fully illustrated catalog and sign up to bid absentee or live via the Internet at Visit Stephenson’s online at
Sotheby’s – Finest and Rarest Wines
July 11th, 2011 by adminNew recruits battled veteran collectors in Old Toy Soldier Auctions’ $254,000 sale of rare military and civilian figures
July 11th, 2011 by adminPITTSBURGH – “Terrific!” That’s how Ray Haradin, owner of Old Toy Soldier Auctions, described the interest in his late-spring auction featuring the Don Darnieder collection of military figures. The 1,095-lot sale, which was also bolstered by Part II of the Fred Wehr collection and other select properties, was 100% sold and totaled $254,000.

Britains picture pack counter display box containing 33 figures, hinged front cover, $6,000. Old Toy Soldier Auctions image.
“The Internet was very active, with around 170 bidders. In addition, there were 32 people participating by phone and 120 absentee bidders,” Haradin said. “As it turned out, there were many successful individual bidders – not just a handful of people who bought up big chunks of the sale. There were numerous boxes to be packed and shipped out afterwards, to addresses all over the world.”
The May 21-22 sale’s top lot at $6,000 (all prices include 20% buyer’s premium) was a countertop display for Britain’s high-quality “picture packs.” Haradin explained that display units of the type offered in his auction were designed to showcase an entire range, and are very rare. A European buyer paid three times the high estimate to claim the near-mint item.

Timpo boxed Hopalong Cassidy set, one of only two or three known, $5,040. Old Toy Soldier Auctions image.
Another hot ticket was the Timpo Hopalong Cassidy set estimated at $1,200-$1,500. The set had condition and completeness going for it and was one of only two or three such sets known to exist. It lassoed a winning bid of $5,040, lodged by a U.S. buyer.
Timpo also produced the Big Game Tiger Hunt set offered with a presale estimate of $1,500-$1,800. In “beautiful condition,” the set was claimed by a different American buyer, for $2,650.
Character figures made of lead were in great demand. A boxed Tom Mix set featuring a painted figure of the cowboy film star in white furry chaps with a gun and lariat, paired with his horse Tony, garnered $900. “This set had the added cross-over bonus of a Western theme, so that helped it to make more than twice its high estimate,” Haradin said.

William Hocker 11-piece boxed set, Bengal Horse Artillery in Action, $270. Old Toy Soldier Auctions image.
A trend that Haradin has found particularly pleasing is the unrelenting demand for contemporary productions. “Day two of the sale was devoted exclusively to newer pieces,” Haradin said. “The total from that session accounted for $95,000 of the overall gross.” Enthusiasts paid strong prices for sets made by William Hocker, like the 11-piece wheeled Bengal Horse Artillery in Action set that achieved $270. Other sets that sold for around the $200 mark included examples by Edmunds, Marlborough (specialists in Indian army figures), and King and Country, as well as those depicting Civil War regiments.
“In the world of soldiers, $200 to $300 can buy you a lot,” Haradin said. “I’d say the average lot on day two sold for about $180. These are nice, entry-level collectibles that appeal to every age.”

9-piece set by Trophy, includes steam tractor, wagon, Howitzer and six men, $840. Old Toy Soldier Auctions image.
Other contemporary sets hit a higher bracket that ordinarily might have been reserved for a rare, older set. A 9-piece grouping by Trophy – comprised of a steam tractor, wagon and Howitzer with human figures – sold without its original box for $840 (estimate: $300-$400).
“There’s a lot of speculation as to why toys and collectibles have held up so well when some types of fine antiques haven’t. I don’t have the answer to that, but the numbers speak for themselves. Everything in the auction was sold, and for really good money,” Haradin said.

Britains set #2112, U.S. Marine band in summer dress, 25 pieces, $1,320. Old Toy Soldier Auctions image.
“One thing that can’t be denied is that there are tons of new collectors coming into the hobby – enough so that collections of soldiers and figures being sold by older collectors are having no trouble being absorbed into the marketplace,” Haradin continued. “I would say that at least 50% of what we offered in our May 21-22 auction went to guys who’ve been collecting for less than 10 years.”
Haradin’s Old Toy Soldier Auctions will conduct its next sale on Nov. 19-20, 2011. A large and comprehensive assortment awaits bidders, with the main consignments being the Robert Going collection of primarily pre- and postwar Britains figures, many of them boxed; the third and final installment of the Fred Wehr collection of prewar Britains, and Part II of the Don Darnieder collection of postwar Britains. Additionally, the sale will feature an extensive array of Hocker and King and Country figures.
To contact Ray Haradin, call 412-343-8733 (tollfree: 800-349-8009) or e-mail Visit OTSA online at
Sotheby’s – Old Master & British Drawings Including Property from the Descendants of Walter Brandt
July 11th, 2011 by adminSotheby’s – English Literature, History, Children’s Books & Illustrations
July 11th, 2011 by adminThe sale contains two outstanding highlights. Firstly, the earliest rules and historic archive of the world’s first football (soccer) club, Sheffield FC, including the first version of their laws of the game, detailed minute books, and the only known surviving copy of the first printing of the club’s rules of football. Secondly, the autograph manuscript of Jane Austen’s unfinished novel “The Watsons” – the only such manuscript remaining in private hands — extensively revised and corrected throughout. Join Gabriel Heaton, Sotheby’s specialist of Books & Manuscripts, as he discusses these two highlights – Watch Videos.
Other major highlights include James Joyce’s wartime family passport, recording his movements during his most creative period when he was composing his masterpiece Ulysses, two major series of letters by Benjamin Disraeli, a number of valuable books sold in aid of the Catholic charity CAFOD, rare first editions by the Brontë sisters, a first-hand account of the Battle of Trafalgar, watercolours by Beatrix Potter and a pen and ink drawing by E.H. Shepard of Winnie-the-Pooh and Tigger.